Designed to provide a broad overview of the process for residential plan review, this one day seminar will provide the basic steps involved to complete a comprehensive review of a residence. The seminar will discuss the tools and process for conducting a residential plan review. It will also increase your awareness of the necessary items […]
This full day seminar will explore the design and review of senior living facilities under the International Building Code®. The market is supporting the development of mixed used projects that include independent living facilities (Group R-2), assisted living facilities (Group I-1), memory care facilities (Group I-2) and other associated occupancies. This seminar will discuss the […]
This seminar provides in-depth training on the IRC code provisions for getting a “building out of the ground.” The seminar is applicable to all aspects of the regulatory/design/ construction community, including contractors, design professionals, plans examiners and inspectors. Major topics include: Soils and Geotechnical Reports, Soils Drainage, Use of Prescriptive Tables, Slabs on Ground, Slope […]
This seminar will be an advanced review of Chapters 3, 4, 5 & 6 of the IBC. We will discuss unusual projects that many building departments seldom or ever see come across their counters. Mixed occupancies, unlimited area buildings, malls, motor vehicle occupancies and hazardous occupancies will be discussed. The seminar will also address unusual […]
This seminar will discuss the unique building code requirements for high-rise buildings. These types of structures create challenges for firefighters and occupants of a building in an emergency. The code provides requirements to mitigate the inherent hazards in these types of buildings. The seminar will discuss fire protection requirements, egress requirements, special inspection requirements and […]
This seminar provides new commercial inspectors with basic techniques and an understanding of conducting inspections of small commercial buildings. The discussion will include preparation, presentation and inspections of the building, plumbing, mechanical and electrical portions of a building. Instructor: Bill Clayton Register:
This is a full day seminar that covers the subject of hazardous materials to assist the Building Official in properly dealing with the more dangerous occupancies. The pertinent sections of the IBC regarding Hazardous Materials will be covered, including each type of H occupancy, as well as additional sections of some other codes. The seminar […]
An advanced look at the means of egress requirements included in Chapter 10 of the International Building Code. The seminar will include detailed discussions on the design and review of the means of egress in unusual occupancies. Subjects included in the seminar are malls, assembly occupancies, special egress components, smoke proof enclosures, horizontal exits and […]
This 2-day seminar is designed for supervisors, managers and leaders, it contains elements and techniques designed to assist in creating strong teams in building, code enforcement and fire departments. More and more supervisors are leading in environments of rapid disruption and leading teams who may be working remotely or a hybrid model. Today, with travel […]
This seminar will be a full exploration of the multitude of building uses and mixed uses related to the burgeoning cannabis industry, and how the codes may apply. The session will discuss the applicable requirements for these facilities in the different I-Codes and the NEC. The classification of the occupancies and different code requirements will […]
This seminar reviews the use of the alternate materials and methods requirements of the codes. The seminar will review the use of ICC evaluation reports when using the International Building Code. Different types of materials and methods will be discussed. Examples of how those materials and methods should be evaluated will be provided to attendees […]
Full Day Introduction and Explanation of the significant changes in the 2021 IPMC including an overview of application of the changes and adoption and implementation issues. Instructor: Bill Clayton Register:
This class will discuss some of the appendix chapters in the back of the IBC and whether you should consider adopting them in your jurisdiction. Appendix chapters are only applicable if they are specifically adopted by the jurisdiction. However, can you use them as a guide for alternate design? We will be discussing Employee Qualifications, […]
Demystifying energy code plan review. This is a full day class designed to break down the residential energy code for the plan reviewer by utilizing actual plans and walking through code section by code section. Participation and collaboration encouraged. Both instructors are residential and commercial plan reviewers, so pick our brains, not our noses! Bring […]
This class will be a full exploration of the multitude of building uses and mixed uses related to the burgeoning marijuana industry, and how the codes may apply. A further examination of how the industry is reacting and adjusting to the maze of State and local regulations and becoming efficient will be addressed. This course […]
This full day class discusses common issues found in multi-family construction including plan review and inspection of Fire Rated assemblies, Mixed use concerns, Podium buildings, and related requirements found in chapters 3,4, 5,6,7,9 and 10 of the 2021 IBC. Instructor: Bill Clayton Register:
You have adopted the IEBC but never use it because it is confusing. You are not alone! This class will endeavor to put to rest some of that confusion. Class includes an overview and discussion of plan review on existing building projects using the2021 IEBC Prescriptive compliance path for one project and the Work Area […]
An advanced look at the means of egress requirements included in Chapter 10 of the International Building Code. The presentation will include detailed discussions on the design and review of the means of egress in unusual occupancies. Subjects included in the class are malls, assembly occupancies, special egress components, smoke proof enclosures, horizontal exits and […]
This class will focus on the IRC provisions for the prescriptive design and installation of residential fire sprinkler systems in one- & two-family dwellings and townhouses. The location of sprinkler heads, pipe sizing and overall installation requirements will be discussed. Practical installation issues will also be discussed. Instructor: Bill Clayton Register:
Explores the major revisions and provisions of the most current code year of the International Residential Code. The presentation includes detailed discussions of the provisions addressing the following issues: building planning; foundation, floor, wall, and roof construction; exterior wall finishes; and roofing systems. The class is designed to introduce the provisions of the code. Instructor: […]
Working for any municipality is not without its challenges, but a lot of small jurisdictions find themselves faced with staff that must wear many hats. Are you the building official, permit tech, plans examiner, inspector, floodplain coordinator, sign code enforcer, code adopter, complaint department, and other duties as assigned? We’ve gathered a group of code […]
Description: Overview of the requirements for multi- family dwellings in the International Building Code (IBC). Type V-A construction may be the most difficult type of construction to build a structure by. This seminar discusses the design, construction and inspection of Group R-2 occupancies including, building planning, fire-resistive rated construction, fire protection requirements and means of […]
Description: Reviews the changes from the last edition to the current edition of the International Existing Building Code (IEBC). The background behind many of the changes will be discussed to provide the participant with an understanding of the intent of the changes and how to apply it to their everyday work. Subjects covered in the […]
Description: This seminar reviews and analyzes selected significant changes from the 2018 IFGC. Discussions will assist code users in identifying the specific code changes that have occurred, and more importantly, understanding the reason behind the change. Finally, it explains those code changes selected due to their frequency of application, special significance or change in application. […]
Description: This seminar reviews and analyzes selected significant changes from the 2018 International Building Code (IBC) to the 2021 IBC. Discussions will assist code users in identifying the specific code changes that have occurred, and more importantly, understanding the reason behind the change. Finally, it explains those code changes selected due to their frequency of […]
Description: This institute is designed to educate permit technicians with skills and abilities necessary to perform their jobs more effectively. Topics covered include code administration, legal aspects, code language, code enforcement, reading construction documents and the permitting and inspection process. Participants will become familiar with the International Building Code and the International Residential Code and […]
Description: In-depth discussion of the fire-resistant-rated horizontal assemblies in Chapter 7 of the 2021 International Building Code. The class will include a discussion of available resources available to comply with these chapters. The class will focus on the inspection of these types of assemblies including the coordination with the listed assembly and other building code […]
Description: Comprehensive discussion of the major compartmentalization concepts of the International Building Code (IBC), focusing on those requirements that deal with building size, sprinkler options and mixed-use buildings. Fire-resistance-rated construction is also addressed. This class will include topics on allowable areas, area increases, unlimited area buildings, fire area concept and construction, incidental/accessory use areas and […]
Description: This class will provide a provocative and higher level of review of the International Building Code. The class will focus on unusual and more complex fire and life safety provisions of the code. Chapters 7-10 of the IBC will be discussed during the seminar. Subjects included will be fire walls, fire barriers, smoke barriers, […]