Organizer: Utah League of Cities and Towns Description: Utah League of Cities and Towns (ULCT), first organized in 1907, serves incorporated communities throughout Utah. ULCT represents municipal government interests with a strong, unified voice at the state and federal levels. ULCT provides information, training and technical assistance to local officials on municipal issues, and works […]
Oragnizer: California Association of Building Officials Description: CALBO is excited to host its 62nd Annual Business Meeting in Indian Wells. We’re returning to the desert for an array of programs, events, and trainings for the professional development of our members. Looking forward to gathering together once again for the strength and development of our association. Registration: California Building Officials (
Organizer: Arizona Building Officials Description: Experience high quality, relevant instruction with expert instructors! Deepen your professional knowledge! Network with colleagues from across the state! Registration: 2024 AZBO Spring Education Institute (
Organizer: AZBO Spring Institute Class: Customer Service Instructor: Terry Knox Description: This course aims to equip individuals with the necessary skills to bridge the communication gap between building department professionals and the communities they serve. The course will provide an in-depth understanding of establishing cohesive teams within the department, delivering exceptional client service, and managing difficult […]